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The OSU Mass Spectrometry Center is equipped with a full spectrum of mass spectrometric and associated analytical instruments to support OSU research projects. The Mass Spectrometry Center services are available to all OSU Department as well as in-state academic institutions, national and international academic institutions and Industry.

A broad range of research is conducted in the Center by faculty, visiting scientists, post doctoral researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry and toxicology. For information about specific projects currently underway, refer to the Faculty & Staff research links.

IMPORTANT Notice regarding publications and OSUMSC

NIH/USDA funded research projects that use the Oregon State University Mass Spectrometry Facility (OSUMSC) and publish mass spectrometry results need to acknowledge the NIH/USDA instrument Grant (see below) in publications using NCBI My Bibliography and/or during uploading of the manuscript to the publisher and the OSUMSC.

Bruker Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry Quadrupole Time-of-Flight System - NIH # 1S10OD032323-01

ABSciex ZenoTOF 7600 – USDA # 2024-70410-43767

Waters Xevo TQ-XS -NIH # 1S10OD026922-01

Orbitrap Fusion Lumos -NIH # 1S10OD020111-01

Waters Ion Mobility ToF Mass Spectrometer – NIH #1S10RR025628-01

Applied Biosystems 4000Qtrap- NIH # 1S10RR022589-01

ABSciex Triple ToF 5600-NIH #1S10RR027878-01